
Monica E - Albuquerque, New Mexico

"examples of speaker's practice to tie to examples in presentation"


"Interesting topic, well presented"

Jennifer S - Readfield, Maine

"the topic was very interesting and the presentation was quite informative"

Billy W - Riverside, California

"The documented history of criminal wrongdoings and people held accountable "

Christopher M - Falmouth, Maine

"Tying an interesting and factual historical account to the topic and pointing out where lawyers did both good and bad. "

Kari R - Albuquerque, New Mexico

"The use of movie clips and photos, as well as the actual cases typed up on the screen."

Tiffany R - Ashburn, Virginia

"This history of the Osage and these trials was interesting. I have a background in Native American history, and never heard about these cases from this perspective. "

Roberta F - Harpswell, Maine

"The subject matter"

Talia K - Santa Fe, New Mexico

"incorporating entertainment media"

Paul G - Dallas, Texas

"Very interesting history lesson"