
Pamela H - Wells, Maine

"The factual information that shines a light on the disparity and the lack of progress."

Ann C - Santa Fe, New Mexico

"learning about the history and the amount of information about the pervasive bias against women in our society"

Gail K - Santa Fe, New Mexico

"Very interesting and liked the multimedia approach"

Mary Kay G - Battle Ground, Washington

"How the information applied to my legal career. "

David R - MANCHESTER, Maine

"Use of poll questions instead of mere acknowledgements of presence."

Ben W - Brewer, Maine

"the video clips were excellent"

Martha D - Scarborough, Maine

"Just that fact that it's a topic! e need more like this in order to change the status quo."

John N - Weston, Massachusetts

"Effective presentation based on compelling facts"

Benjamin B - Fairbanks, Alaska

"The interactivity of having the moderator asking related questions in the chat that were not specifically covered in the presentation itself"

Nicholas B - Portland, Maine

"The examples and video and audio clips."