
David J - Waterville, Maine

"I felt myself becoming angry on behalf of employees who are victimized by corporations, including women in law firms. I think there should be complete salary transparency. Period."

Timothy O - Kennebunk, Maine

"Look for ways to make pay more transparent among attorneys within a firm."

Laurie P - Portland, Maine


Gordon G - Cape Elizabeth, Maine

"I am retired from private practice, and have no opportunity to impact law firm management, but will share awareness of the pay gap with others"

Alice K - Richmond, Maine

"I'll share the information with my father!"

Erika D - Milton, Maine

"Recognizing that the legal profession has a lot of work to do in narrowing gender the pay gap in upper echelon partner positions. "

Thomas H - Lookout Mountain, Tennessee

"Better awareness of pay situation + ideas for ways to decrease the gender pay gap"

Sarah L - Woodland, Maine

"the importance of understanding the employer's and the profession's gender pay gap record and remediation efforts."

Joelle P - Jay, Maine

"Knowing where in legal profession pay gap begins "

Douglas K - Cape Elizabeth, Maine

"Making sure people coming back from family leave are easily reintegrated without losing ground"