
Matthew T - Portland, Oregon

"special attention to self-awareness in stressful situations"

John O - Boston, Massachusetts

"question my assumptions."

William M - Springfield, Virginia

"Get to work on refining brand."

Nathan H - Decatur, Illinois

"Self-awareness to put things in perspective"

CARL M - St. Louis, Missouri

"Branding is the key to encourage people to identify and eliminate bias"

Nancy M - Cumberland Foreside, Maine

"Being a better listener and trying not to control the dialogue - allow for diversity of opinions to be shared."

Michael G - Jefferson City, Missouri

"Be more deliberate in branding"

Barrett B - Eureka, Missouri

"Be aware of how others view what I say and do when interacting with them."

Lynn B - Saint Louis, Missouri

"Developing An Effective Brand Personally and in Our Law Firm to reduce or eliminate bias"

Jeff G - Osage Beach, Missouri

"Establish and/or improve branding"